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Product Description

Cantemos Unidos / United in Song is an ideal means of drawing together the whole congregation into a cohesive, multicultural body of Christ. This practical resource contains bilingual versions of 24 of the best-known songs for worship ever written: 12 songs originally written in English with new, added text in Spanish, and 12 Spanish songs with added English text. It's a wonderful way to introduce new and beloved songs to the whole assembly!

List of Songs:
Disc A
1. Here I Am, Lord / Aquí Estoy, Señor
2. On Eagle's Wings / En Tus Alas
3. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee / Jubilosos, Te Adoramos
4. Amazing Grace / Sublime Gracia
5. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel / Oh Ven, Oh Ven, Emmanuel
6. One Bread, One Body / Un Pan, Un Cuerpo
7. Hail Mary: Gentle Woman / María: Dulce Madre
8. Prayer of St. Francis / Oración de San Francisco
9. I Am the Bread of Life / Yo Soy el Pan de Vida
10. Be Not Afraid / No Temas Más
11. Joy to the World / Bichosa Tierra, Proclamad
12. You Are Near / Estás Junto a Mí
Disc B
1. Pescador de Hombres / Lord, You Have Come
2. Vienen con Alegría / People of God, O Sing
3. Visión Pastoral / The Good Shepherd
4. Caminaré / Yes, I Will Walk
5. Si Yo No Tengo Amor / If I Do Not Have Love
6. Una Espiga / From the Wheat
7. Entre Tus Manos / Into Your Hands
8. Resucitó / He Is Risen
9. Soy Feliz / O Lord, I Offer
10. Id y Enseñad / Go and Teach
11. El Viñador / The Vine Grower
12. Alabaré / O Come and Sing


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