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Nocte: Gradual
Aurora: Alleluia
Die: Communion
This recording includes the proper chants of the three Masses of Christmas (Midnight Mass, the Mass at dawn, and the Mass of the day) as sung at St. Michael's Abbey.
The repetoires of Norbertine chant are almost like "dialects" of the Gregorian repertoire—there is a substantial overlap with texts and settings found in the Roman Missal (for the Mass) and Antiphonarium (for the Liturgy of the Hours), but there are few items that are completely identical.
Track List:
1. Nocte: Introit
2. Nocte: Gradual
3. Nocte: Alleluia
4. Nocte: Prose
5. Nocte: Offertory
6. Nocte: Communion
7. Aurora: Introit
8. Aurora: Gradual
9. Aurora: Alleluia
10. Aurora: Offertory
11. Aurora: Communion
12. Die: Introit
13. Die: Gradual
14. Die: Alleluia
15. Die: Offertory
16. Die: Communion