1. Sticheron "On the Praises" (Pentecost)
2. Sessional Hymn After the Polyeleos (Nativity of Christ). Prosomoion "Joseph Marveled"
3. Exapostilarion of Pascha
4. Cherubic Hymn
5. A Mercy of Peace
6. We Praise Thee
7. Prokeimenon of the Theotokos At Matins
8. Automelon "O All-Praised Martyrs"
9. Dogmatic Theotokion Tone 7
10. Sessional Hymn After the Polyeleos (St John of Kronstadt)
11. Theotokion On "Lord, I Have Cried" (Annunciation)
12. God Is With Us
13. Eirmos of the Ninth Ode (Theophany)
14. Sticheron At the Veneration of the Cross
15. By the Waters of Babylon
16. Aposticha Stichera (Tuesday of the First Week of Great Lent)
17. Theotokion of the Aposticha. Prosomoion "O Marvelous Wonder"
18. Sessional Hymn After the Third Ode (Holy Saturday). Automelon "Thy Tomb, O Saviour"