This new and exciting series of episodes for children is about a friendly fish named Lukas Storyteller, who met Jesus and witnessed many of his miracles. Lukas tells us along with his friends, the greatest stories of life of Saints in a world of music, fun, and teaches everlasting values.
In the first engaging episode -St. John Paul II and the Joy of Living, Anna, Lukas’ youngest friend, is tired and bored from always playing the same thing when suddenly she finds herself at the sunken Noah’s ark!
Lukas can’t resist telling her a wonderful story about a Pope who was once a child and enjoyed playing like she did. Surprised, Anna wouldn’t believe how his story ended. She found out that what she was about to do was following St. John Paul II’s example!
In the second thrilling episode, Lukas’ friends are afraid to help and play with their old forgotten friends. Coming right to the rescue is Lukas, who shares the story of St. Teresa of Calcutta, and how she asked God for a big heart so she could love everyone.
This set comes with 1 DVD that contains 2 episodes, as well as My First Prayer Book.
Audio: English and Spanish
St. John Paul II and the Joy of Living
St. Mother Teresa and the Love to Others