Happily married, with three children, Carol graduated from Cornell University with a BS in Industrial and Labor Relations, concentrating on collective bargaining, arbitration, and mediation. Disillusioned with the practical aspects of a career in this field, Carol stayed in the San Francisco Bay area finishing a final paper at Stanford to complete her degree at Cornell and spent much time in prayer and discernment for direction in her life. At this time she picked up a guitar on a rent-to-own basis and started group lessons from Carol McComb, then a well-known singer-songwriter in the Bay area.
Not getting too far in learning guitar, Fisher “shot a quick prayer” heavenward: “Lord, if you help me learn how to play guitar, I’ll always use it for your glory…”
It wasn’t long after, a flood of words came into her mind as she practiced one day. She wrote them down, applied chords that she had learned, and to her amazement, composed an original song! Since then, Carol has written hundreds of songs, most as part of her prayer life and relationship with God, other about ordinary life situations with a positive or faith message.
Some of the most popular music Carol has written is her children’s music which is the outgrowth of a “cherub” choir she directed for a year, after returning to her hometown of Fulton, NY. She started writing new songs bi-monthly based on the lectionary readings, and traditional prayers like Hail Mary, Our Father, Apostles’ Creed, Act of Contrition, so that students in CCD could more easily learn the prayers for first communion.
Described by some as “infectious,” the joyful tempo of the music wraps many, young and old into singing along well after the CD or radio is turned off!
After recording her first album of children’s music, Sing Bible Prayer Songs, for a local school’s fund-raiser, Fisher found a continued demand for her music and since then has recorded 16 more albums, enjoyed by many from ages 9 months to 90 years! Although some of the music is geared toward children with children singing on several of the tapes and CDs, Carol developed more music of general age appeal. Now assembled in a Family Pack, Carol’s first nine albums are available in a packaged set for many hours of family enjoyment for all ages. Completing a three year projcet in 2013, Fisher released the 7 CD set of the Psalms called simply, "Sing the Psalms", an outgrowth of her radio program where Carol started writing music to sing the psalms rather than reading them while creating her daily radio program, "The Carol Fisher Hour of Prayer & Praise."
Carol’s mom, Angie Arduini, was a great supporter of her music and suggested that she go down to the local radio station to “get your foot in the door” by selling advertising for the station and perhaps eventually getting some air play for the music.
As often is the case, mother knows best, and the result was a daily talk show (originally called America, Angels & Peanut butter after Carol’s 5th album) known simply as the Carol Fisher Show.
This show evolved from a 15 minute “Music…with a Message” segment on the local Fulton, NY radio station to a “Network” of programs airing approximately 9 hours per week on a 42,000 watt commercial Christian station over four FM frequencies covering 12 counties in central NY with a potential listening audience of 2.1 million at any given time.
Just before he died, Carol’s dad, Bob Arduini, when asked for some advice about building a business, told his youngest daughter that “once you establish your name and people come to trust you and your work, you’ll never have a problem. It will just grow along from there.” Carol took her dad’s advice and continued with the name of her company, Carol Fisher Productions, established originally in 1994
Happily married, with three children, Carol graduated from Cornell University with a BS in Industrial and Labor Relations, concentrating on collective bargaining, arbitration, and mediation. Disillusioned with the practical aspects of a career in this field, Carol stayed in the San Francisco Bay area finishing a final paper at Stanford to complete her degree at Cornell and spent much time in prayer and discernment for direction in her life. At this time she picked up a guitar on a rent-to-own basis and started group lessons from Carol McComb, then a well-known singer-songwriter in the Bay area.
Not getting too far in learning guitar, Fisher “shot a quick prayer” heavenward: “Lord, if you help me learn how to play guitar, I’ll always use it for your glory…”
It wasn’t long after, a flood of words came into her mind as she practiced one day. She wrote them down, applied chords that she had learned, and to her amazement, composed an original song! Since then, Carol has written hundreds of songs, most as part of her prayer life and relationship with God, other about ordinary life situations with a positive or faith message.
Some of the most popular music Carol has written is her children’s music which is the outgrowth of a “cherub” choir she directed for a year, after returning to her hometown of Fulton, NY. She started writing new songs bi-monthly based on the lectionary readings, and traditional prayers like Hail Mary, Our Father, Apostles’ Creed, Act of Contrition, so that students in CCD could more easily learn the prayers for first communion.
Described by some as “infectious,” the joyful tempo of the music wraps many, young and old into singing along well after the CD or radio is turned off!
After recording her first album of children’s music, Sing Bible Prayer Songs, for a local school’s fund-raiser, Fisher found a continued demand for her music and since then has recorded 16 more albums, enjoyed by many from ages 9 months to 90 years! Although some of the music is geared toward children with children singing on several of the tapes and CDs, Carol developed more music of general age appeal. Now assembled in a Family Pack, Carol’s first nine albums are available in a packaged set for many hours of family enjoyment for all ages. Completing a three year projcet in 2013, Fisher released the 7 CD set of the Psalms called simply, "Sing the Psalms", an outgrowth of her radio program where Carol started writing music to sing the psalms rather than reading them while creating her daily radio program, "The Carol Fisher Hour of Prayer & Praise."
Carol’s mom, Angie Arduini, was a great supporter of her music and suggested that she go down to the local radio station to “get your foot in the door” by selling advertising for the station and perhaps eventually getting some air play for the music.
As often is the case, mother knows best, and the result was a daily talk show (originally called America, Angels & Peanut butter after Carol’s 5th album) known simply as the Carol Fisher Show.
This show evolved from a 15 minute “Music…with a Message” segment on the local Fulton, NY radio station to a “Network” of programs airing approximately 9 hours per week on a 42,000 watt commercial Christian station over four FM frequencies covering 12 counties in central NY with a potential listening audience of 2.1 million at any given time.
Just before he died, Carol’s dad, Bob Arduini, when asked for some advice about building a business, told his youngest daughter that “once you establish your name and people come to trust you and your work, you’ll never have a problem. It will just grow along from there.” Carol took her dad’s advice and continued with the name of her company, Carol Fisher Productions, established originally in 1994