Christ the King at Ephesus CDThe Benedictines of Mary Total play time: 56 minutes 20 TracksChristus VincitThe King of LoveTua Est Potentia
This unique album of glorious hymns, old and new, honors Our Lord's majesty and kingship. Add to your shopping cart today!
Track List:1. Christus Vincit2. The King of Love 3. Tua Est Potentia 4. The Bonnie Prince 5. Jesu Rex Admirabilis 6. Exultate Deo 7. If Ye Love Me 8. Cantate Domino 9. Quaerite Primum 10. King of Kings 11. Vexilla Christus Inclyta 12. Kyrie (Missa Sicut Cervus) 13. Christus Rex 14. Hymn to Christ the King 15. Non Nobis Domine 16. Praise Ye the Lord 17. Jesu Corona Virginum 18. Confitemini Domino 19. Laudes Regiae 20. To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King