Yda Jimenez was born on July 29 in the city of Bogotá, Colombia. It is Catholic singer from an early age and began composing songs. During his school days, he used to represent his classroom in singing competitions, earning the group for the first and second places. As a teenager he sang of love and life. But years later found a different reason to sing: the love of God ... It was so in 2001 volunteered to participate in the choir of the Church of Saint Andrew in Coral Springs, Florida. Two years later he moved to Pembroke Pines, in the same State, and joined the choir of the Church of Saint Edward. It was there, in that parish, where he experienced a profound approach to the love of Christ Jesus. During the past ten years, his work has been highlighted by serving in various parish ministries. In two seasons he has been a leader of Compass Bible course-the finance ministry formerly called Crown. He also directed a cell of evangelization for four consecutive years. Currently involved in the choir serving at Sunday Mass in Spanish in their community and volunteers in the removal of women from the parish.